Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Traditions at Your House

Whether it's watching "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and reciting the dialogue aloud, hiking through the tree farm on the Saturday before Christmas to cut your own fresh Balsam Fir, spending an afternoon with the family helping others at the local "soup kitchen", making chestnut stuffing for the roast goose, having special Advent devotions, or caroling door-to-door dressed like angels - we all have our own favorite traditions that we faithfully continue each and every year.  We invite you to share some of your own special customs and practices...  They may not be as quirky and your kids think they are!


  1. Melanie Hope Vance '77December 12, 2011 at 9:22 AM

    Our favorite family tradition is trimming our "Jesse" tree every night. We take a branch, and have paper ornaments that I ordered (but one could make their own), and we read passages and verses from the Bible starting in Genesis on Dec. 1st and working our way to the birth of Jesus Dec. 24th. It's great family fun and bonding. We all refresh our memories each year of the geneology and history of our Lord and Saviour. The reason it is called a "Jesse" tree is from the verse Isa. 11:1 referring to the "root of Jesse" which refers to Jesus.

  2. Christmas is never really Christmas to me until I have listened to Handel's "Messiah". Two preferences: prefer live, and prefer the entire version. (Never have had both together though).
