Saturday, July 28, 2012

Remember Summer Jobs?

A summer time job during high school was a great way to earn some financial independence, pay for your first set of wheels, and put away dollars for college. 

For many, it was the first time that we interacted with the world outside the shelter of our home. Most of us learned valuable, life-long skills as a result of that work. Others discovered what they absolutely didn't want to do when they grew up! Anyway, share some of your memories and how they impacted your life after Dayton Christian...

Building a Virtual Christian Academy

If one were starting (from scratch) a brand new Christian School, what would be the top priorities in its formation? What have DC Alumni gleaned from life and from their experiences all around the world, that could benefit a Christian institution right now? What failures have you seen in your own local schools and what significant improvements have they made? What was done well / poorly during your days at DCHS - and what could still have an impact on students today? What things work well in the business world, the university level, or your church community that might translate into the classrooms or to the administration of a Christian School in 2012?

There are no right or wrong answers here - just thought it would be a fun, lively and insightful discussion topic! And I also thought it would be very cool to draw from the collective wisdom of our sagely alumni family... Who knows, your best suggestions might actually be stepping-stones to real, positive changes in the world of Christian education tomorrow!  We welcome your thoughts, comments and awesome ideas!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Do You Observe Easter Week?

Some consider it a "Holy Week" - a time to contemplate the sufferings that Jesus undertook as a substitute sacrifice for each human soul...  Some view it as a stepping stone to the glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  Still others see it as a time to head to warmer climates to recharge their batteries after a long, cold winter...  We'd love to hear some of the special things that you and your family do to celebrate the season!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Home Remedies For The Winter Blahs!

Whether it's grandmas chicken soup, gargling warm salt water or applying Vicks Vapor-Rub to your feet, most of us have a cherished home remedy that's been passed down from generation to generation.  Contrary to the wisdom of modern science and medicine - sometimes these weird and wacky solutions actually seem to work!  Please share some of your favorites...  You may be able to rescue us from the winter blahs!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Traditions at Your House

Whether it's watching "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and reciting the dialogue aloud, hiking through the tree farm on the Saturday before Christmas to cut your own fresh Balsam Fir, spending an afternoon with the family helping others at the local "soup kitchen", making chestnut stuffing for the roast goose, having special Advent devotions, or caroling door-to-door dressed like angels - we all have our own favorite traditions that we faithfully continue each and every year.  We invite you to share some of your own special customs and practices...  They may not be as quirky and your kids think they are!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Recipes

Why not share some of your favorite holiday recipes with your alumni family members?  We promise to give you all of the credit.  With friends like you, who needs Food Network?!